Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC)

Indigenous Peoples all over the world have been demanding the recognition of their rights to maintain and develop their cultural heritage and, more particularly, their land for many years. There have been debates over the definition of who is indigenous and what it means, over treaty rights and free, prior, and informed consent.

They have done this through many bodies, including the United Nations, where there is both a UN Working Group on Indigenous Peoples and a newly constituted UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples. Also within the UN there has been an ongoing debate to finalise a Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. There have been a number of associated international bodies where Indigenous Peoples have struggled to have their voices heard, including the Convention on BioDiversity, the World Trade Organisation and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Australia - Aborigines have a right to economic development

Extractive Industries and Human Rights in Central Africa

Fiji - Listen to youths, chief pleads

Russia - Evenks of Amur Region vow to stop UK based gold mining company

USA - Hillary Clinton Announces Opposition to KXL, Native Leaders Respond

Colombian Constitutional Court decision to reject mining could change the history of the Amazon

USA - Sacred Lands vs. King Coal

Canada - Study touts free, informed consent as key to resource development

Cambodia - Major breakthrough in mediation between Hoang Anh Gia Lai company and fourteen indigenous villages

Canada - First Nations pledge to work together to promote development on their terms

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