Joint Press Release
At a town hall meeting in Iowa yesterday afternoon, Hillary Clinton finally gave her position on the Keystone XL pipeline, telling the crowd, “I oppose it. I oppose it because I don’t think it’s in the best interest of what we need to do to combat climate change.”
Clinton’s statement is being met with skepticism and guarded celebration by grassroots Native American leaders of the Oceti Sakowin, also known as the Great Sioux Nation. The pipeline has not received consent from the Oceti Sakowin tribal nations of the Great Plains to cross their treaty lands, it does not have legally permitted routes in South Dakota or Nebraska, and it has faced a growing opposition nationwide. Now, with Clinton joining fellow Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in opposition to this tar sands pipeline, all focus now lies on President Obama to deliver the final blow and reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
Gay Kingman, Executive Director of Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association Coalition of Large Tribes: “Tribal leaders of the Great Plains have long stood in opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline. We were disappointed when Hillary Clinton took a stand supporting KXL as Secretary of State but we are happy to hear of her changed position now opposing the tar sands pipeline. Hillary Clinton’s new stance reflects the clear facts that this pipeline is all risk with no rewards for the people of this land. Now, it is time for President Obama to end this debate once and for all and reject KXL.”
Dallas Goldtooth, of Indigenous Environmental Network: “It is great to see Hillary Clinton finally make the right choice on Keystone XL. Her position switch on KXL is a direct testament to the sustained action and movement of our frontline Indigenous communities along this pipeline route. She once stood against Oceti Sakowin people on this issue, now she sings a different tune. We, along with our allies, made this happen. Now it is President Obama’s turn see the writing on the wall and reject this dirty tar sands pipeline, once and for all.”
Oyate Wahacanka Woecun (Shield the People), Rosebud Sioux Tribe: “We recognize the importance of Hillary Clinton renouncing and opposing the Keystone XL pipeline. KXL will negatively impact our cultural, historical and burial sites; it will be a major environmental, public health and safety hazard, and most importantly it will be a threat to the non-negotiable rights of our women and children. President Obama, time to act, reject Keystone XL.”
Faith Spotted Eagle, of Ihanktonwan Treaty Council spokesperson: “Hillary’s switched opinion on KXL is a plus for our climate change efforts, however, given her previous support of this pipeline, our celebratory reaction as Oceti Sakowin people remains guarded. Hillary is like sand cherries to us, moving in whatever direction the strongest wind is blowing . She knows how to harvest votes. It’s ok though, we from the Oceti Sakowin appreciate her new position on Keystone XL. Mr. Obama, reject the pipeline now.”
Waniyetuopi Bud Lone Eagle, Sr., Pte Ospaye Headsman: “Hillary Clinton’s announcement that she opposes the Uncekila Sapa (Black Serpent), aka the Keystone XL pipeline, is another coup counted on TransCanada, and other environmental terrorist corporations. However, only when the Presidential permit is denied and the project scrapped in it’s entirety can we claim victory over the Uncekila Sapa. When that day comes I would personally invite our allies to a victory celebration in my home, Bridger, South Dakota, a frontline community in this fight against KXL.”
Byron Buffalo, Pt’e Ospaye Headsman: “Hillary Clinton, your stance opposing Keystone XL pipeline is encouraging yet is met with skepticism. The Indigenous people of America stand strong against the Black Snake known as KXL. We implore you to not only voice your opposition but to actively seek ways to stop the climate destroying corporations that believe continued mutilation of our earth is the only way progress can be made. All we have this one earth, we must ALL protect it, for we, ALL living beings, are truly ALL related. Mitakuye Oyasin.”
Greg Grey Cloud, of Wica Agli: “Hillary Clinton is just now realizing that foreign tar sands crude, by way of the Keystone XL pipeline, is NOT for the American people. However, I see yet another political ploy taken as a wrongful gain to run for president. I reserve my celebration for the moment President Obama takes action and rejects the permit for KXL.”
Dustina Gill, Community Advocate, Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota: “Hillary Clinton’s recent stance against KXL attests to the threat this pipeline poses and highlights the efforts of numerous organizations and citizens of the Oceti Sakowin who have dedicated themselves to this fight against the tar sand pipeline. Those efforts have been critical in making this a national issue and getting presidential candidates on board with the climate movement. Now I too, like thousands of others, anxiously away the President’s decision to reject this pipeline.”
The Indigenous Environmental Network • PO Box 485 • Bemidji, MN 56619
A. Gay Kingman, Kingmanwapato [at] rushmore [dot] com, 605-484-3036
Dallas Goldtooth, ienpipeline [at] igc [dot] org, 708-515-6185
Paula Antoine, wopila [at] gwtc [dot] net, 605-828-0740
Faith Spotted Eagle, eagletrax [at] hotmail [dot] com, 605-481-0416
Waniyetuopi Bud Lone Eagle, Sr., bethcbest [at] gmail [dot] com
Byron Buffalo, trbuffalo.tb [at] gmail [dot] com, 605-200-2614
Greg Grey Cloud, Greycloud [at] WicaAgli [dot] org, 1-855-942-2669
Dustina Gill, sitowiyan [at] hotmail [dot] com