Corporate Responsibility

This section of the site is given over to specific resources associated with Indigenous Peoples. Some of the materials in this area of the site are downloadable, but there may be large files which will take time to download. The resources on offer include a range of Educational Materials, with materials suitable for exhibitions, a Photo Library, where you may download and re-use images as long as you credit the photographer, and any organisation if relevant, and a list of publications, from PIPLinks and others. Some of these are for free downloading, and some are listed as a bibliography.

Taseko Mines' Draft Environmental Impact Statement proves issues are not being addressed

Ecuador: Inter-American Court ruling marks key victory for Indigenous Peoples

Complaint seeks resettlement and just compensation from royal Dutch Shell and UK banks for damage caused by Sakhalin II Oil and

Judge halts rail project close to Earth’s most threatened tribe

B.C. natives willing to 'go to the wall' against Enbridge pipeline

India: Baigas in exile

Bangladesh open-pit coal mine threatens fundamental rights, warn UN experts

Chevron Faces Midnight Deadline in $19 Billion Ecuador Judgment

Winning iron at the Olympics. Fresh charges of conflict of interest over giant Arctic iron mine

Archeologists uncovered treasures at Rio Tinto coal mine

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