Central and South America

There are many distinct Indigenous Peoples across the globe - virtually every continent is home to first peoples. Regionally we have sections that are broken down roughly by continent, and within those sections by country (although in some cases a specific People will cross the borders of specific countries).

Venezuela: Yanomami march for health and justice, while illegal mines in Caura reach flashpoint

Indigenous Peruvians win Amazon pollution payout from US oil giant

The women who defend the community and land

Indigenous tribes in Suriname ask gov't to protect their lands

Cambodia: Community mulling mining co’s proposal

Federal Court Orders Newmont Mining to Turn Over Evidence to Peruvian Wounded in Protest

Police clash with opponents at Peru copper mine

Colombian tribe scores ‘historic’ victory versus Big Gas

Lip-Service But Little Action on U.N. Business and Human Rights Principles in Latin America

Indigenous Controlled Mining Under Fire in Colombia

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