Central and South America

There are many distinct Indigenous Peoples across the globe - virtually every continent is home to first peoples. Regionally we have sections that are broken down roughly by continent, and within those sections by country (although in some cases a specific People will cross the borders of specific countries).

IACHR Publishes Report: “Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact in the Americas”

Welcome to Guatemala: gold mine protester beaten and burnt alive

Guatemala - Letter to Hudbay Minerals: Stop the Harassment in Guatemala Lawsuits

Brazil’s “Dalai Lama of the Rainforest” Faces Death Threats

Peru protests reviving at Cerro Verde, TĂ­a MarĂ­a

Dubbed Terrorists, Mayans Fight Back Against Guatemalan Mining Projects

Guatemala - Ixil communities of Nebaj express opposition to US-led extraction in their territory

Guatemala stokes conflict around mining by failing to consult communities

In Memory of the life of Adolfo Ich Chaman

Miners ordered to hand back land to natives in Colombia

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