North America

There are many distinct Indigenous Peoples across the globe - virtually every continent is home to first peoples. Regionally we have sections that are broken down roughly by continent, and within those sections by country (although in some cases a specific People will cross the borders of specific countries).

Fact Sheet on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Tsilhqot'in Nation call on Governments to reject Re-Submitted "New Prosperity" Mine

Canada: Feds monitoring 'aboriginal hotspots'

NWT’s Dene Nation supports BC First nations Opposition to Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline

Tribes, agencies, NGOs oppose Resolution Copper land exchange

Assembly of First Nations Urges BC Government to Respect Aboriginal Title and Rights

Navajo anti-uranium group challenges HRI Churchrock state discharge permit

Dalai Lama, Rigoberta Menchu, Nobel Peace Laureates: Halt tarsands

The consulta movement continues... in Northern Ontario!

EPA announces deal for uranium contamination probe

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